Did you know that the number of people becoming parents over the age of 40 has increased by 3% every year since 1982? And the average age of a first time parent in the is 26, up from 21 in 1972. In NY, that age is 32. I've welcomed Maghan Haggerty back for an interesting look at what it means to be the child of an older parent. Something, I myself, struggle with having become a mother just a month before I turned 41. She and I have differing views on this one, you might want to tune in and find out why.
Did you know that the number of people becoming parents over the age of 40 has increased by 3% every year since 1982? And the average age of a first time parent in the is 26, up from 21 in 1972. In NY, that age is 32. I've welcomed Maghan Haggerty back for an interesting look at what it means to be the child of an older parent. Something, I myself, struggle with having become a mother just a month before I turned 41. She and I have differing views on this one, you might want to tune in and find out why. read more read less

4 years ago #children, #conversations, #olderparents, #parenting, #philosophy, #stories