Judy Balloff has had 7 careers, she started as a nurse and ended up a Financial Advisor. How she got there was through her open heart surgery and 5 strokes, where her oldest daughter and husband were her caretakers for her recovery. She has recently written a book 365 Days of Abundance, which she credits with being the result of discovering the principles, laws and holy scriptures that got her through the past 5 years thriving and learning!
Judy Balloff has had 7 careers, she started as a nurse and ended up a Financial Advisor. How she got there was through her open heart surgery and 5 strokes, where her oldest daughter and husband were her caretakers for her recovery. She has recently written a book 365 Days of Abundance, which she credits with being the result of discovering the principles, laws and holy scriptures that got her through the past 5 years thriving and learning! read more read less

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