There is but one way to get to heaven and that is faith in the finish work of Jesus Christ. We are saved "Sola fide". Which means Faith Alone but that Faith that is alone will provoke you to want to live for Christ. The Gospel Of Jesus Christ is a condemnation of all humans efforts to be righteous before The God of the Bible.
There is but one way to get to heaven and that is faith in the finish work of Jesus Christ. We are saved "Sola fide". Which means Faith Alone but that Faith that is alone will provoke you to want to live for Christ. The Gospel Of Jesus Christ is a condemnation of all humans efforts to be righteous before The God of the Bible. read more read less

6 years ago #christhathredeemedus, #faithalone, #jesusistheonlyway, #justificationbyfaithalone, #thejustshalllivebyfaith