Ministry Of Defense Russia Brief , 04[AUG]22 as read by 5684 , with emotion from Russian Text that ENGLISH does Not. Note: Huge report from MOD-Russia updating BIOLOGICAL WARFARE DESIGN-TESTING-VARIENT and SINGLE USE TARGETING from DNA SAMPLes [23&ME etc, MORMON TOP TATOOED LIZARDS coming apart].
Ministry Of Defense Russia Brief , 04[AUG]22 as read by 5684 , with emotion from Russian Text that ENGLISH does Not. Note: Huge report from MOD-Russia updating BIOLOGICAL WARFARE DESIGN-TESTING-VARIENT and SINGLE USE TARGETING from DNA SAMPLes [23&ME etc, MORMON TOP TATOOED LIZARDS coming apart]. read more read less

about 1 year ago #!5684, #5684, #biological-labs-ukraine-nato, #https://t.me/s/mod_russia, #ken, #night-of-the-long-knives, #thi, #ukraine-latest, #what-dis-russia_stop-hear/hear