Esther continues our study of the book of Philippians by looking in depth at chapter 1 verses 12 through 18.

At the beginning and end of the meeting we played Goodness of God, which can be found in the Kerith Worship Sets playlist on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLe6aDT8QMpW4MFJn9zwTzjBsEOGhhxYR7 and was taken from our services on 2nd August.
See additional notes at https://kerithcommunitychurch-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/encounter_kerith_church/EWUw8XJGmWFAknmv3aRy_fIBKBpeXXRFl5WZvDOzdmcqyw?e=ZcuKEf
Esther continues our study of the book of Philippians by looking in depth at chapter 1 verses 12 through 18. At the beginning and end of the meeting we played Goodness of God, which can be found in the Kerith Worship Sets playlist on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLe6aDT8QMpW4MFJn9zwTzjBsEOGhhxYR7 and was taken from our services on 2nd August. See additional notes at https://kerithcommunitychurch-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/encounter_kerith_church/EWUw8XJGmWFAknmv3aRy_fIBKBpeXXRFl5WZvDOzdmcqyw?e=ZcuKEf read more read less

3 years ago #2020, #carter, #esther, #philippians