Description & Design:

This is the season of hope in the midst of darkness. As the people of God in the Old Testament waited expectantly for the promised King – The Messiah, the promised fulfilled in the first advent of our Lord Jesus Christ. Today, we the people of God today wait expectantly for the second advent as promised in the Scriptures.

The season of advent prepares us not only for the celebration of the first advent (Christmas) but also motivates us to be hopeful and live in a joyful expectation of the return of our Lord Jesus Christ (The Second Coming of Christ)—a personal, physical visible, sudden, glorious and triumphant return.

The need: “We are too spiritually blind to find our own way- our wealth has made us greedy, self-indulging and self-seeking”. “Christmas is a wonderful, secular holiday,” wrote one enthusiast at the popular Web site Gawker.”—says Timothy Keller in his book “Hidden Christmas.” “born to give them second birth’?”- does this statement makes any sense to this generation? The world around us in dark and hostile to the light of the Gospel in many ways. Jesus is the light and we as the disciples of Jesus are the bearers of that light (gospel), the light that shines in the darkness- a light that gives hope to the perishing – a light that gives us ourselves everlasting hope. We live as people of “hope” and “joy” and we share this “hope” and “joy” to this passing generation.

Purpose of the series is to remind ourselves of the fulfilled promises of our Lord in the first advent and motivate us to live a life as the people of “hope” and “joy” keeping his promise of second advent. We shall dig into the real meaning of the first advent and prepare our hearts for the second. Rejoicing in the finished work of Jesus Christ in his birth, life, death and resurrection we commit to live waiting/anticipating, and preparing ourselves joyfully for his second advent.

Goal: Everyone will know the meaning and importance of the promises of God in Jesus Christ, and be grounded in hope- and start a joyful preparation anticipating the second advent of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Description & Design: This is the season of hope in the midst of darkness. As the people of God in the Old Testament waited expectantly for the promised King – The Messiah, the promised fulfilled in the first advent of our Lord Jesus Christ. Today, we the people of God today wait expectantly for the second advent as promised in the Scriptures. The season of advent prepares us not only for the celebration of the first advent (Christmas) but also motivates us to be hopeful and live in a joyful expectation of the return of our Lord Jesus Christ (The Second Coming of Christ)—a personal, physical visible, sudden, glorious and triumphant return. The need: “We are too spiritually blind to find our own way- our wealth has made us greedy, self-indulging and self-seeking”. “Christmas is a wonderful, secular holiday,” wrote one enthusiast at the popular Web site Gawker.”—says Timothy Keller in his book “Hidden Christmas.” “born to give them second birth’?”- does this statement makes any sense to this generation? The world around us in dark and hostile to the light of the Gospel in many ways. Jesus is the light and we as the disciples of Jesus are the bearers of that light (gospel), the light that shines in the darkness- a light that gives hope to the perishing – a light that gives us ourselves everlasting hope. We live as people of “hope” and “joy” and we share this “hope” and “joy” to this passing generation. Purpose of the series is to remind ourselves of the fulfilled promises of our Lord in the first advent and motivate us to live a life as the people of “hope” and “joy” keeping his promise of second advent. We shall dig into the real meaning of the first advent and prepare our hearts for the second. Rejoicing in the finished work of Jesus Christ in his birth, life, death and resurrection we commit to live waiting/anticipating, and preparing ourselves joyfully for his second advent. Goal: Everyone will know the meaning and importance of the promises of God in Jesus Christ, and be grounded in hope- and start a joyful preparation anticipating the second advent of our Lord Jesus Christ. read more read less

4 years ago