In this book discussion series we're talking about Helen Keller's book, My Religion (free to download at SwedenborgianCommunity.Org/worship). Starting with chapters 1 & 2 we explore her description of the mystic Swedenborg's life, and then her early years with spirituality and how finding Swedenborgian thought inspired her.

Chat with our community live during the broadcast at swedenborgiancommunity.org/worship. And visit your affirming interfaith community at SwedenborgianCommunity.org :) Our form of Swedenborgianism is an interfaith, affirming spirituality rooted in mystical Christianity. We open our doors to people of all faiths or none!

This spirituality has deeply influenced the likes of Helen Keller, Ralph Waldo Emerson, William Blake, George Inness, William Keith, Henry James, Sr., William James, Carl Jung, Robert Frost, DT Suzuki and even Johnny Appleseed (John Chapman). 
In this book discussion series we're talking about Helen Keller's book, My Religion (free to download at SwedenborgianCommunity.Org/worship). Starting with chapters 1 & 2 we explore her description of the mystic Swedenborg's life, and then her early years with spirituality and how finding Swedenborgian thought inspired her. Chat with our community live during the broadcast at swedenborgiancommunity.org/worship. And visit your affirming interfaith community at SwedenborgianCommunity.org :) Our form of Swedenborgianism is an interfaith, affirming spirituality rooted in mystical Christianity. We open our doors to people of all faiths or none! This spirituality has deeply influenced the likes of Helen Keller, Ralph Waldo Emerson, William Blake, George Inness, William Keith, Henry James, Sr., William James, Carl Jung, Robert Frost, DT Suzuki and even Johnny Appleseed (John Chapman).  read more read less

4 years ago #helen_keller, #keller, #light_in_my_darkness, #my_religion, #swedenborg