Make your entire life a celebration
We celebrate different events like birthday, marriage anniversary, graduation etc. for pleasure and happiness. We experience pleasure before ( in preparation), during ( celebrating an event) and after ( for some time in memory) in celebrating an event. We forget it after some time to celebrate it again. Still it does not take us to permanent peace, happiness, love, and wisdom.
What if we know , how to celebrate the entire life so that life becomes a celebration at every moment? We need not to wait for an event to celebrate but every moment becomes a celebration.
The great masters of eastern wisdom have showed up the path, the journey, principles, and practices , how to make entire life a celebration. in one word, it is known as sadhana. For sadhana a person needs to transition to become a seeker ( Sadhaka). The seeker should know clearly the Sadhya ( goal) i.e. end of suffering and awakening to true nature or real self. The seeker should also know the Siddha ( results) i.e. permanent peace, happiness, love , truth and wisdom in life.
The seeker is sadhu ( person clearly knows the goal of life). we will navigate the path of self-discovery as taught to us by great master Shankara with reference to Patanjali, Buddha, mindfulness, and meditation.
Girish Jha
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#GirishJha #EvolveHelpEveryoneToEvolve #BeInPeace #KeepSmiling
Make your entire life a celebration We celebrate different events like birthday, marriage anniversary, graduation etc. for pleasure and happiness. We experience pleasure before ( in preparation), during ( celebrating an event) and after ( for some time in memory) in celebrating an event. We forget it after some time to celebrate it again. Still it does not take us to permanent peace, happiness, love, and wisdom. What if we know , how to celebrate the entire life so that life becomes a celebration at every moment? We need not to wait for an event to celebrate but every moment becomes a celebration. The great masters of eastern wisdom have showed up the path, the journey, principles, and practices , how to make entire life a celebration. in one word, it is known as sadhana. For sadhana a person needs to transition to become a seeker ( Sadhaka). The seeker should know clearly the Sadhya ( goal) i.e. end of suffering and awakening to true nature or real self. The seeker should also know the Siddha ( results) i.e. permanent peace, happiness, love , truth and wisdom in life. The seeker is sadhu ( person clearly knows the goal of life). we will navigate the path of self-discovery as taught to us by great master Shankara with reference to Patanjali, Buddha, mindfulness, and meditation. Girish Jha Blog : Website : Contact : Podcast #GirishJha #EvolveHelpEveryoneToEvolve #BeInPeace #KeepSmiling read more read less
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