Mind The Gap - Cover Image
Mind the Gap is all about getting from HERE to THERE: transitioning from where you are to where you want to be. The focus will be on neurodivergent individuals, because well I'm Autistic and this is my space. I have a long history of working with youth outliers (so called "at risk") and attracting those to me with a unique view of the world. I will not be blowing smoke up your ass - this will be the "how-to's" and the "why's" of personal development for all my fellow neurodivergent thinkers. Come on in, listen for a bit - you might just hack your brain and kick off the greatness that lives inside you.
Mind the Gap is all about getting from HERE to THERE: transitioning from where you are to where you want to be. The focus will be on neurodivergent individuals, because well I'm Autistic and this is my space. I have a long history of working with youth outliers (so called "at risk") and attracting those to me with a unique view of the world. I will not be blowing smoke up your ass - this will be the "how-to's" and the "why's" of personal development for all my fellow neurodivergent thinkers. Come on in, listen for a bit - you might just hack your brain and kick off the greatness that lives inside you. read more read less
  • Ep. 2 - Breaking Up With Expectation
    30 Mar, 2021 - 27:57
  • Ep. 5: My White Fragility
    28 Feb, 2021 - 11:05
  • Ep. 4: The Story I Tell Myself
    16 Feb, 2021 - 13:07
  • Interlude: Time to Rise Up
    4 Feb, 2021 - 21:32
  • Ep. 1 - I'm going to Fail
    1 Feb, 2021 - 29:01
  • Intro: Parenting The Gap
    18 Jan, 2021 - 03:23
  • Ep. 3: Gratitude
    27 Dec, 2020 - 28:32
  • Covid-19 and Psychological Flexibility
    19 Jul, 2020 - 34:24
  • Episode 1 - Introduction
    3 Jul, 2020 - 16:17
  • There are no episodes.