Dangerous Thinkers features interviews with thought leaders, authors, journalists, entrepreneurs and amazing individuals from every walk of life. Be informed, and more important, be inspired by the experiences and insights of fearless people who dare to challenge, or even destroy, the conventional wisdom. It turns out that a lot of what “everybody knows” isn’t actually true.

“It isn’t what we don’t know that gives us trouble; it’s what we know that ain’t so.”—Will Rogers

When the pretend news is nothing more than propaganda or celebrity-obsessed pap, the popular culture is drowning in leftist propaganda, and young people have been brainwashed to believe PC garbage, it can be tough to be an informed citizen. It can be even tougher to stand by in silent frustration, watching the country you grew up in being destroyed by leftist lies, apathy and flat out stupidity.\. Draw strength, courage and the information you need to fight back from the amazing experiences of these outstanding individuals.

Never forget: courage is the first virtue of the warrior.
Dangerous Thinkers features interviews with thought leaders, authors, journalists, entrepreneurs and amazing individuals from every walk of life. Be informed, and more important, be inspired by the experiences and insights of fearless people who dare to challenge, or even destroy, the conventional wisdom. It turns out that a lot of what “everybody knows” isn’t actually true. “It isn’t what we don’t know that gives us trouble; it’s what we know that ain’t so.”—Will Rogers When the pretend news is nothing more than propaganda or celebrity-obsessed pap, the popular culture is drowning in leftist propaganda, and young people have been brainwashed to believe PC garbage, it can be tough to be an informed citizen. It can be even tougher to stand by in silent frustration, watching the country you grew up in being destroyed by leftist lies, apathy and flat out stupidity.\. Draw strength, courage and the information you need to fight back from the amazing experiences of these outstanding individuals. Never forget: courage is the first virtue of the warrior. read more read less
  • ISIS Begins: Author_Investigative Journalist Ken Timmerman
    13 Jul, 2018 - 31:27
  • Radical Islam Must Be Stopped! ACT for America Founder Brigitte Gabriel
    1 Jun, 2018 - 32:50
  • One of the U.K's Leading Conservative Voices: Author and Podcaster James Delingpole
    25 May, 2018 - 35:08
  • The Left's Insidious Hijacking of our Language: Michael Knowles of Daily Wire
    4 May, 2018 - 34:22
  • Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch
    20 Apr, 2018 - 39:52
  • Ryan Girdusky, Washington Examiner Contributor, on Free Speech, Never Trumpers & the 2018 midterms
    13 Apr, 2018 - 45:40
  • Andrew Klavan of Daily Wire on his Christian Conversion, Stormy Daniels and A Million Little Obamas
    29 Mar, 2018 - 36:46
  • Life Lessons from Dangerous Thinkers
    17 Mar, 2018 - 28:48
  • Jack Cashill: Just Like Trayvon Martin, 17 Parkland Dead Sacrificed to Obama-Era Racialist Policy
    2 Mar, 2018 - 44:18
  • LA Guerrilla Street Artist Sabo: Taking it to the Streets
    23 Feb, 2018 - 34:26
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