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The Exodus Podcast

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    Throughout my life, I've had a lot of ups and downs just like everyone else. This past year has been, what feels like, the hardest time of my life. The...

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    Throughout my life, I've had a lot of ups and downs just like everyone else. This past year has been, what feels like, the hardest time of my life. The Lord took me from "living on the mountain top" back to "the valley." I found myself getting back into old ways instead of pushing forward with the Lord. I found myself bitter instead of remembering what God has done before. I have questioned God, wondering "what on earth are we doing?" My marriage has been tired. My friendships broken.

    It feels like the Exodus in the bible. In greek, the word Exodus means the road out, the way through. But what happens when you forget the way? I've been there.

    I kept telling the Lord "What if I am just meant to fail so I can show others how to praise you in the failure?" Today, that's what I am doing, right here with this podcast. We are going to remember togeher, all the Lord has done and what He will do again. The Lord didn't bring us this far to leave us in the dirt. Victory will still be ours weather its on this earth or in heaven. But, no matter what, I am going to prasie and give God glory anyway.

    I am sure that you can relate. You've experainced being on the mountain top then all of a sudden finding yourself in the valley. So, here's to the journey. Here's to navagiating through life as a christian together. The mess and miracles all in one. And here is how we glorify God in the midist of it - by sharing our storys.

    I hope you can relate. I hope this makes you laugh. I hope it makes it cry. Most of all, I hope it brings you closer to the Lord.
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    Author Kelsey
    Organization Kelsey
    Categories Christianity
    Website -
    Email purposeofhopellc@gmail.com

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