The Bearded Goods: Behind The Beard, a podcast hosted by the hilarious and relatable Brandon Smith, hailing from Raleigh, North Carolina. With over a decade of experience in comedy and...
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The Bearded Goods: Behind The Beard, a podcast hosted by the hilarious and relatable Brandon Smith, hailing from Raleigh, North Carolina. With over a decade of experience in comedy and radio, Brandon brings a unique perspective to his listeners as he delves into his own life experiences and opens up about the challenges he faces, including raising children and dealing with depression.Brandon's infectious personality and quick wit make for a captivating listen, as he takes his audience on a journey through his life, sharing stories and insights that are sure to make you laugh, cry, and everything in between. Whether he's discussing the ups and downs of parenting or reflecting on his own struggles with mental health, Brandon's honest and vulnerable approach will have you hooked from the very first episode.Behind The Beard offers a refreshing and candid take on the world around us, as Brandon explores the everyday issues that we all face and shares his unique perspective on how to navigate them. So join Brandon each week as he invites you to sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride as he takes you behind the beard and into his world.
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The Bearded Goods
The Bearded Goods
9 MAY 2023 · In this episode, Brandon Smith and Jordan "Rowdy" Radloff dive into two very different topics: radio space signals and the infamous Jeffrey Epstein. First, they discuss the recent discovery of a repeating radio signal coming from a galaxy 500 million light-years away. The hosts explore the various theories about what could be causing the signal and what it might mean for our understanding of the universe. Throughout the episode, the hosts use their unique blend of humor and expertise to explore these complex topics and provide insights that will leave listeners informed and entertained. Whether you're a space enthusiast or a true crime buff, this episode has something for everyone.
11 APR 2023 · This week its Mens Mental Health.
Behind the Beard with Brandon Smith: Join Brandon Smith as he shares his personal stories and life lessons to help motivate listeners to conquer their everyday challenges. With a focus on mental health and personal growth, each episode features candid conversations with special guests and insightful reflections on Brandon's own experiences. Tune in every week for a dose of inspiration and motivation.
14 FEB 2023 · HL and I sit and talk comedy and what drives him to keep going and how he got where he is.
9 FEB 2023
9 FEB 2023
The Bearded Goods: Behind The Beard, a podcast hosted by the hilarious and relatable Brandon Smith, hailing from Raleigh, North Carolina. With over a decade of experience in comedy and...
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The Bearded Goods: Behind The Beard, a podcast hosted by the hilarious and relatable Brandon Smith, hailing from Raleigh, North Carolina. With over a decade of experience in comedy and radio, Brandon brings a unique perspective to his listeners as he delves into his own life experiences and opens up about the challenges he faces, including raising children and dealing with depression.Brandon's infectious personality and quick wit make for a captivating listen, as he takes his audience on a journey through his life, sharing stories and insights that are sure to make you laugh, cry, and everything in between. Whether he's discussing the ups and downs of parenting or reflecting on his own struggles with mental health, Brandon's honest and vulnerable approach will have you hooked from the very first episode.Behind The Beard offers a refreshing and candid take on the world around us, as Brandon explores the everyday issues that we all face and shares his unique perspective on how to navigate them. So join Brandon each week as he invites you to sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride as he takes you behind the beard and into his world.
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Author | Back Home Media |
Organization | Back Home Media |
Categories | Comedy Interviews , Personal Journals , Spirituality |
Website | - | |
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