Experience, strength, and hope: Welcome to “Keep Coming Back” a series of inspiring and powerful conversations focused around the paths to sobriety and recovery. Each episode explores an individual’s unique...
show moreWelcome to “Keep Coming Back” a series of inspiring and powerful conversations focused around the paths to sobriety and recovery. Each episode explores an individual’s unique story, their relationship with drugs and alcohol, and explains how each navigates life today without a drink, a powder, or a pill.
Twitter: @kcbpodcast
Hosted by Mike S
Sobriety Date 7/5/16
Keep Coming Back: Real Stories of Sobriety & Recovery
Keep Coming Back: Real Stories of Sobriety & Recovery
Experience, strength, and hope: Welcome to “Keep Coming Back” a series of inspiring and powerful conversations focused around the paths to sobriety and recovery. Each episode explores an individual’s unique...
show moreWelcome to “Keep Coming Back” a series of inspiring and powerful conversations focused around the paths to sobriety and recovery. Each episode explores an individual’s unique story, their relationship with drugs and alcohol, and explains how each navigates life today without a drink, a powder, or a pill.
Twitter: @kcbpodcast
Hosted by Mike S
Sobriety Date 7/5/16
Author | Giovanni Fabozzo |
Organization | Giovanni Fabozzo |
Categories | Self-Improvement |
Website | - |
- |
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