Helping People to Dream. Dare. and Dazzle their world. Empowering Leaders without title to enable their family, community and organisation to be Stronger. Smarter. Safer!
Jim Bennett - Dream Dare Dazzle
Jim Bennett - Dream Dare Dazzle
8 SEP 2024 · Can impatience be a Dream Killer?
People today are more impatient than ever. Our celebrity culture is damaging because it creates the impression that overnight success is most people’s experience, that you usually don’t have to be patient and persevere. We understand people don’t want to work for years. They want to go directly to being successful, skipping out the tough part in-between. But that’s not how the world works.
Let's explore in some more depth...
1 SEP 2024 · Problem Solving by Writing it Down
Over the years I've discovered,that sometimes, there's nothing more powerful than a pen and paper. When I’m going through a hard time, or feeling low, I’ve learned that one way to deal with my problems is to write them down. Often the best and the quickest therapy is scribbling my concerns on a piece of paper. Getting it out of my 'scrambled brain' and connecting with my gut for a solution. Yes, logic also has a 'part to play'. Let's explore....
25 AUG 2024 · Don't waste precious energy being jealous of others. Jealousy gets us nowhere. Actually, it’s much worse than that -jealousy pulls you back and drags you down.
Jealousy means you’ve allowed yourself to be distracted from the person you should be focusing on: yourself.
We have an opportunity to take reponsibility for our lives and decide where our life is heading.
18 AUG 2024 · If you’re going to be successful in whatever you do, the belief and confidence has to come from you, not from strangers who don’t know you. And you certainly shouldn’t allow strangers on the internet to negatively affect how you feel about yourself and your ambitions.
If you’re comfortable with yourself, and have a strong sense of who you are and what you’re hoping to achieve, it won’t matter what others say. Be Strong, Be Smart, Be Safe....
11 AUG 2024 · If you’re going to change your life, or do anything meaningful, you have to truly believe. You can’t do anything half-heartedly. You’ve got to keep on telling yourself: "I can do this, I can really do this, I can see, hear and feel it."
Sometimes you’ll know where you want to get to, but you don’t know how you’re going to get there. If you truly believe, you’ll eventually find a way to make that dream become a reality - step, by step, by step....
4 AUG 2024 · The challenge for many prople in the 'adventure world' is that threir ambition lies on the reaching of a single goal. Then to be 'met' with a profound emptiness once it has been reached. "Where to now?" jumps up!
For me it's about keeping dreams alive - Big, Bold and Beautiful ones. It's about re-setting our compass once we've achived our first 'Biggie"....
28 JUL 2024 · I've heard that the way to achieve your gols is to imagine in great detail all the different ways success will affect your life. perhaps in some istances this will work. However, I am inclined to believe that's not as necessarily true.
Rarely there is only one single reason for what we do. While some motives aren't easy to identify, I believe there are some that are behind almost every journey. Momentary flashes of experience can be compared to eternity. Let's explore them in some more depth.....
21 JUL 2024 · Don't chase happiness, let it find you...
Have you ever wondered properly why you are happy? Although I've felt I was happpy when I asked that question of myself I beagn to doubt myself.
A good life is about using your senses, seeking knowledge, living in companionship with others and being engaged in striving. Does contenment come from someone who is content? Let's explore furhter...
14 JUL 2024 · I believe that a zest morning routine is one of the most important habits for an exceptionally great life. The way we begin our day very much sets up how our day unfolds.
Of course we may choose to start with MVP [Meditation, Visualization, Prayer] is also powerful.
Doing a sweaty workout while hydrating and listening to a fascinating audiobook or pulsating music adds magic to our morning.
I’ve also started writing a few lines in answer to the following 5 questions, which, in the spirit of service I share with you....
7 JUL 2024 · It is sometimes easy to reach agreement smoothly, painlessly, and quickly. Other times it takes a lot of tugging and pulling to finally arrive at “Yes.”
There are four main reasons why peo-ple do not ask for that “Yes”:
- Fear of rejection;
- Lack of appropriate vocabulary;
- Insufficient practice;
- Lack of belief.
Learn to ask for the “Yes.” Let's explore 'Factors plus incentives' and dealing with objections.
Behavioural Values Dictionary
ZeComms Workbook
Helping People to Dream. Dare. and Dazzle their world. Empowering Leaders without title to enable their family, community and organisation to be Stronger. Smarter. Safer!
Author | Jim Bennett Global |
Organization | Jim Bennett Global |
Categories | Self-Improvement , Management , Mental Health |
Website | | |
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