Nearly eight decades ago, The Adventures of Superman radio show pitted the Man of Steel against the forces of hate and white supremacy while exposing the inner workings of the...
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Nearly eight decades ago, The Adventures of Superman radio show pitted the Man of Steel against the forces of hate and white supremacy while exposing the inner workings of the Ku Klux Klan. Now, Fandom is releasing a new five-part serial podcast, looking at the creation and historical significance of Superman vs.The KKK.
The podcast--which is partially inspired by author Rick Bowers’ book, Superman vs. The Ku Klux Klan--chronicles the way that the 1946 storyline, “Clan of the Fiery Cross” confronted the entangled history of the KKK in American life, and disavowed the reality of its racist violence; offering a new, powerful version of “The American Way” that would last for generations.
The podcast explores the inception and rise in popularity of both Superman and the Klan, how they each used the tools of the media to brand and sell their version of what it means to be “100% American,” and how the two became intertwined in this iconic story arc. In this series, we discover how the clash between these two versions of “The American Way”--and the ensuing battle for the heart’s of the United States citizens--developed, and why that fight has never been more relevant. It's a fascinating exploration for anyone who is a fan of the Man of Steel, comic-book culture, and the complexities of American history.
Executive producer Roth Cornet hosts the podcast alongside celebrated journalist, writer, and podcaster Marc Bernardin.
“This story is an incredible mix of journalism, brand activism, and the power of pop culture to change the world,” said Cornet. “We live in an era where fans identify themselves by the things they love, so there is incredible power in harnessing this passion to make an impact.”
Even after 80 years, Superman remains a stalwart fixture at the forefront of pop culture as we await DC studios newest iteration of the iconic hero. Whether another version of Superman can ever again cross from his fictional universe to impact ours, remains to be seen
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The podcast--which is partially inspired by author Rick Bowers’ book, Superman vs. The Ku Klux Klan--chronicles the way that the 1946 storyline, “Clan of the Fiery Cross” confronted the entangled history of the KKK in American life, and disavowed the reality of its racist violence; offering a new, powerful version of “The American Way” that would last for generations.
The podcast explores the inception and rise in popularity of both Superman and the Klan, how they each used the tools of the media to brand and sell their version of what it means to be “100% American,” and how the two became intertwined in this iconic story arc. In this series, we discover how the clash between these two versions of “The American Way”--and the ensuing battle for the heart’s of the United States citizens--developed, and why that fight has never been more relevant. It's a fascinating exploration for anyone who is a fan of the Man of Steel, comic-book culture, and the complexities of American history.
Executive producer Roth Cornet hosts the podcast alongside celebrated journalist, writer, and podcaster Marc Bernardin.
“This story is an incredible mix of journalism, brand activism, and the power of pop culture to change the world,” said Cornet. “We live in an era where fans identify themselves by the things they love, so there is incredible power in harnessing this passion to make an impact.”
Even after 80 years, Superman remains a stalwart fixture at the forefront of pop culture as we await DC studios newest iteration of the iconic hero. Whether another version of Superman can ever again cross from his fictional universe to impact ours, remains to be seen
Fandom Presents: Superman vs. the KKK
Fandom Presents: Superman vs. the KKK
6 SEP 2024 · Discover the surprising origins of the world's first Superhero, and how, in many ways, he was always on an inevitable collision course with America's most insidious vision of itself.
6 SEP 2024 · Discover the surprising origins of the world's first Superhero, and how, in many ways, he was always on an inevitable collision course with America's most insidious vision of itself.
This podcast was hosted by Marc Bernardin and Roth Cornet.
Created and Executive Produced
Roth Cornet
Executive Producers
Max Dionne and Michael Chiang
Producers and Writers:
Nancy Rosenbaum
Loretta Williams
Teru Brach
Michelle Dunn
Eileen Guo
Billy Patterson
Gordie Loewen
Brett Boham
Roth Cornet
and Marc Bernardin
Audio Engineer
Brett Boham
Lauren Schwein
Ilana Strauss
Fact Checker
Steven Crighton
Recording was done by
Forever Dog Productions
Voice Trax
Special Thanks To:
Caleb Schneider
Sasha Perl-Raver
Brett Weiner
Eric Eisenberg
Soni Benson
Anne Brashier
Shanna Whitlow
Joe Starr
Avital Ash
Dena Crowder
Danielle Radford
Spencer Gilbert
Lon Harris
Pei Chiu
6 SEP 2024 · The original KKK lay fallow and in decline when it was rebranded and monetized hate with so much success that it made what would be hundreds of millions of dollars in today's terms. All the while, they dangerously, violently, changed American life. This is how they did it.
This podcast was hosted by Marc Bernardin and Roth Cornet.
Created and Executive Produced
Roth Cornet
Executive Producers
Max Dionne and Michael Chiang
Producers and Writers:
Nancy Rosenbaum
Loretta Williams
Teru Brach
Michelle Dunn
Eileen Guo
Billy Patterson
Gordie Loewen
Brett Boham
Roth Cornet
and Marc Bernardin
Audio Engineer
Brett Boham
Lauren Schwein
Ilana Strauss
Fact Checker
Steven Crighton
Recording was done by
Forever Dog Productions
Voice Trax
Special Thanks To:
Caleb Schneider
Sasha Perl-Raver
Brett Weiner
Eric Eisenberg
Soni Benson
Anne Brashier
Shanna Whitlow
Joe Starr
Avital Ash
Dena Crowder
Danielle Radford
Spencer Gilbert
Lon Harris
Pei Chiu
6 SEP 2024 · Superman's catch phrase became "Truth, Justice, and The American Way," but in reality, Superman's American Way was a part of a much bigger national campaign that was crafted and marketed utilizing the tools of the media - just like the KKK's version of America. Discover who was behind the creation of this set of ideals, how Superman became a face of it, and why.
This podcast was hosted by Marc Bernardin and Roth Cornet.
Created and Executive Produced
Roth Cornet
Executive Producers
Max Dionne and Michael Chiang
Producers and Writers:
Nancy Rosenbaum
Loretta Williams
Teru Brach
Michelle Dunn
Eileen Guo
Billy Patterson
Gordie Loewen
Brett Boham
Roth Cornet
and Marc Bernardin
Audio Engineer
Brett Boham
Lauren Schwein
Ilana Strauss
Fact Checker
Steven Crighton
Recording was done by
Forever Dog Productions
Voice Trax
Special Thanks To:
Caleb Schneider
Sasha Perl-Raver
Brett Weiner
Eric Eisenberg
Soni Benson
Anne Brashier
Shanna Whitlow
Joe Starr
Avital Ash
Dena Crowder
Danielle Radford
Spencer Gilbert
Lon Harris
Pei Chiu
6 SEP 2024 · It's all been building to this, but as Superman goes up against the Klan, will audiences listen? And what will that mean for the real people struggling to find their own American Dream in a world in the midst of remaking itself?
This podcast was hosted by Marc Bernardin and Roth Cornet.
Created and Executive Produced
Roth Cornet
Executive Producers
Max Dionne and Michael Chiang
Producers and Writers:
Nancy Rosenbaum
Loretta Williams
Teru Brach
Michelle Dunn
Eileen Guo
Billy Patterson
Gordie Loewen
Brett Boham
Roth Cornet
and Marc Bernardin
Audio Engineer
Brett Boham
Lauren Schwein
Ilana Strauss
Fact Checker
Steven Crighton
Recording was done by
Forever Dog Productions
Voice Trax
Special Thanks To:
Caleb Schneider
Sasha Perl-Raver
Brett Weiner
Eric Eisenberg
Soni Benson
Anne Brashier
Shanna Whitlow
Joe Starr
Avital Ash
Dena Crowder
Danielle Radford
Spencer Gilbert
Lon Harris
Pei Chiu
6 SEP 2024 · We enter the modern era, and look at the state of superheroes and the rise of white supremacy today, and ask ourselves: Is there any such thing as The American Way anymore? And if so, whose America is it?
This podcast was hosted by Marc Bernardin and Roth Cornet.
Created and Executive Produced
Roth Cornet
Executive Producers
Max Dionne and Michael Chiang
Producers and Writers:
Nancy Rosenbaum
Loretta Williams
Teru Brach
Michelle Dunn
Eileen Guo
Billy Patterson
Gordie Loewen
Brett Boham
Roth Cornet
and Marc Bernardin
Audio Engineer
Brett Boham
Lauren Schwein
Ilana Strauss
Fact Checker
Steven Crighton
Recording was done by
Forever Dog Productions
Voice Trax
Special Thanks To:
Caleb Schneider
Sasha Perl-Raver
Brett Weiner
Eric Eisenberg
Soni Benson
Anne Brashier
Shanna Whitlow
Joe Starr
Avital Ash
Dena Crowder
Danielle Radford
Spencer Gilbert
Lon Harris
Pei Chiu
Nearly eight decades ago, The Adventures of Superman radio show pitted the Man of Steel against the forces of hate and white supremacy while exposing the inner workings of the...
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Nearly eight decades ago, The Adventures of Superman radio show pitted the Man of Steel against the forces of hate and white supremacy while exposing the inner workings of the Ku Klux Klan. Now, Fandom is releasing a new five-part serial podcast, looking at the creation and historical significance of Superman vs.The KKK.
The podcast--which is partially inspired by author Rick Bowers’ book, Superman vs. The Ku Klux Klan--chronicles the way that the 1946 storyline, “Clan of the Fiery Cross” confronted the entangled history of the KKK in American life, and disavowed the reality of its racist violence; offering a new, powerful version of “The American Way” that would last for generations.
The podcast explores the inception and rise in popularity of both Superman and the Klan, how they each used the tools of the media to brand and sell their version of what it means to be “100% American,” and how the two became intertwined in this iconic story arc. In this series, we discover how the clash between these two versions of “The American Way”--and the ensuing battle for the heart’s of the United States citizens--developed, and why that fight has never been more relevant. It's a fascinating exploration for anyone who is a fan of the Man of Steel, comic-book culture, and the complexities of American history.
Executive producer Roth Cornet hosts the podcast alongside celebrated journalist, writer, and podcaster Marc Bernardin.
“This story is an incredible mix of journalism, brand activism, and the power of pop culture to change the world,” said Cornet. “We live in an era where fans identify themselves by the things they love, so there is incredible power in harnessing this passion to make an impact.”
Even after 80 years, Superman remains a stalwart fixture at the forefront of pop culture as we await DC studios newest iteration of the iconic hero. Whether another version of Superman can ever again cross from his fictional universe to impact ours, remains to be seen
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The podcast--which is partially inspired by author Rick Bowers’ book, Superman vs. The Ku Klux Klan--chronicles the way that the 1946 storyline, “Clan of the Fiery Cross” confronted the entangled history of the KKK in American life, and disavowed the reality of its racist violence; offering a new, powerful version of “The American Way” that would last for generations.
The podcast explores the inception and rise in popularity of both Superman and the Klan, how they each used the tools of the media to brand and sell their version of what it means to be “100% American,” and how the two became intertwined in this iconic story arc. In this series, we discover how the clash between these two versions of “The American Way”--and the ensuing battle for the heart’s of the United States citizens--developed, and why that fight has never been more relevant. It's a fascinating exploration for anyone who is a fan of the Man of Steel, comic-book culture, and the complexities of American history.
Executive producer Roth Cornet hosts the podcast alongside celebrated journalist, writer, and podcaster Marc Bernardin.
“This story is an incredible mix of journalism, brand activism, and the power of pop culture to change the world,” said Cornet. “We live in an era where fans identify themselves by the things they love, so there is incredible power in harnessing this passion to make an impact.”
Even after 80 years, Superman remains a stalwart fixture at the forefront of pop culture as we await DC studios newest iteration of the iconic hero. Whether another version of Superman can ever again cross from his fictional universe to impact ours, remains to be seen
Author | Giant Bomb |
Organization | Carlos Del Campo |
Categories | Animation & Manga , Hobbies , TV & Film |
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