Healing through creative art and more with Cheryl Green and friends.

Episodes & Posts
4 OCT 2016 · Help the world see what brain injury is really like, learn how to book this movie in your area letw change things together WHO AM I TO STOP IT, a film on isolation, art, and transformation, witnesses the complexities of identity and life with disabilities from traumatic brain injury (TBI). Made by a filmmaker with TBI, the film offers an intimate look into disability, sexuality, spirituality, poverty, family, and community. Three TBI survivors use the arts to navigate and adapt to a world filled with disability stigma. WHO AM I TO STOP IT asks difficult questions around identity after rehabilitation ends. We look beyond medical aspects of TBI to explore survivors' personal narratives and passionate self-advocacy through the arts. here is a short trailer http://vimeo.com/155924543#t=NaNs "This film will contribute stimulating, contemporary subject matter across disciplines of the sciences, arts, and humanities." --Ann Millett-Gallant, PhD, UNC-Greensboro, Author The Disabled Body in Contemporary Art
2 AUG 2016 · Disenabled Life – Learning to live creatively With Craig & Cheryl It is one thing to struggle, and keep making mistakes and over all feeling like a failure, but it is another thing to not even try. To say I can never be life magic Johnson or Abraham Lincoln so you don’t even try to do something like play a sport or get into politics. During the last year and over many many events I have been people watching, and I have noticed that people who were born with a disability are fighting for the right to do somethings but many who acquirers disability just plan don’t try, have no hope somehow believe the best of them are behind themselves.  I say no way to that way of thinking, looking back on how miserable my life and supports just feel apart it really was a good thing. I would not be doing what I do now if I just gave up let people do everything for me and what they didn’t do no one would. Life the simple things cleaning up after myself, paying my bills or buying food just plan taking care of me. I had no choice with my injury I had to do for myself or die literally. I decided to do. What kind of life is it when you already give up before you ever start? I may joke around with my injury and throw it out as a crotch but I don’t use it, if I say I am going to do something I do it, I don’t call in the brain card. Being accountable is important to success. When you lose that you already lost success.. see full discription here Tonight well talk about camp, movies coming out, walks and pride parades I hope to talk to some other doers out there, show me that they still exists or have they all just gave up. Hear you tonight  Â
3 MAY 2016 · Healing Through Creativity Hosted by Cheryl Green and Craig Sicilia    Creativity and time can heal all things.  Even though it’s been almost 10 years, the first 3 or 4 being the darkest of all.  Creativity kept me alive, kept me from letting the darkness of loss because of my disability after sustaining a brain injury.  It gave me purpose, strength and carried me through many days and months and years.  There are many forms of creativity, and hope to have many share their arts, but some that I have worked with and all were an amazing benefit, but I had to explore many different types.  And some of them worked at different times in my journey to today.  Some of the ones I have used, have been, writing in the beginning I have written thousands of pages of material, and hope to come out with a book one day, I have 2 ready to go.  But the books will change my life and how people think of me.  Writing them not only helped me deal with the darkness I was going through but also the extreme darkness before my injury.  Then it was on to writing music, forming a band, and then performing.  And as suddenly as the music came several years later it left just as quickly.  Then banner design through graphics, writing lessons and developing curriculum for schools, support groups and many others. Other creative things like public service project, events like brain injury camp, hoopfest teams, gaming events all of which gave me purpose.  Other forms of creativity are painting, sewing, pottery, yoga, movie making, crafts like jewelry making, poems, needle work, building things, destroying things.  All help us deal with things and heal.  All give us purpose. Love to hear what folks are doing out there, call in and share 424-243-9540 Â
5 APR 2016 · WHO I am with Cheryl and Craig Now that’s a tough question to answer, I guess it depends on any given day.  For many survivors it’s not about who but more about why.  Is there a purpose and what the purpose is.  You may ask yourself what did I do to deserve this or you may have the same thoughts from a grateful place and ask yourself what did I do to deserve this!  The grateful heart will make all the difference in the world In an ever ending world that is being torn apart by the sinisterism that is brain injury.  A mind rattled with the random thoughts and perplexities of a world that is moving too fast for our minds to process just what the hell is going on. Tonight we will discuss that, brain storm it.  As well I want to chat about Cheryl’s new movie coming out Who Am I to Stop It.  Check out the trailer it is incredible.  Check it out take a look https://vimeo.com/155924543 Â
3 NOV 2015 · Survival after brain injury is harder than anyone knows. But even as hard as it is it is possible. That’s what the survival zone is all about. "What is Possible?" Craig and Cheryl will share how through creativity and hope we can live a life that is meaningful, complete. Not easy but a life that you can love. One that gives us pride and purpose even through the hard times, which there can be a lot of. As well we will be featuring out beyond survival team, Brandon, Nicki and Cory who will add much creativity and perspectives. This is a show you don't want to miss. Let us brain storm how we can make this life, a life living with brain injury one that we can be at peace with, one that we can hold our heads up high, as we navigate obstacles that most will never understand. And how we can be the beam of light called hope for others.
6 OCT 2015 · The Creative Me With: Cheryl and Craig  We will explore the possibilities together, what, where, how, why and when. Really things are limitless if we let them be, don't let the weight of your injury keep you for flying high living your dreams.  Hoping To have 2 special guest  Scott from from the Washington Department of Veterans Affairs who will be joining us talking about his new upcoming veterans show.  Brandon a creative soul out of Portland who will hopefully be joining this show in future episodes sharing his creative juices with the hope spreading hope and inspiration
8 SEP 2015 · The Real Face of Brain Injury We talking the real face of brain injury like your mom or dad, your brother or sister, husband or wife. Brain Injury happens to anyone anytime. There is no face of brain injury it is invisible and we need to educate society that you cannot see a brain injury. All the time some organizations our looking for faces to touch peoples heart so that the organizations can touch peoples wallets. If they are successful the majority of people who live with a brain injury won’t fit the label and face they are trying so hard to establish for their bottom line. So it is up to us survivors to counter this, to make sure people get to see the real face of brain injury. They need to see your face, hear your story. As hard and unfair as it is it is up to survivors. Only we can change our world and make no mistake there are great obstacles. Millions and millions of dollars are being put into branding the face of brain injury. And millions into studies to observe the obvious. Tonight share your story, share your face. Share what you really want and need. And let us share what we can do to get the real face of brain injury into the hearts and minds of our community, into the people we love to help us hang on to those relationship. We must help people understand so that mean against all odds we must learn to understand this new person, and quickly. Together sharing our stories we can make tomorrow a day of our dreams
2 JUN 2015 · Finding your New Abilities Recognizing little alone discovering who we are after a brain injury takes time.  It is a long lonely road at times, one of the keys is reaching out to others, finding those we have common ground with a common interest.  It is not really fair that we have these memories of things we once loved to do and were good at, and now we have little to no interest in some of these things.  It becomes important to explore new things, new ideas and find new people who will become part of our lives.  As hard as all this is, it is the path to finding a life that is worth living.  Something that inspires passion with in the depths of our soul.  We will explore some of the ways we have seen people find this meaning.  And have space for you the listeners to chime it on those things that have brought purpose to you.
7 APR 2015 · Prisoner of my mind – Hosted by Craig Sicilia  & Cheyrl Green   Sometimes living with brain injury means living with what we think is the worse of who we are.  Between the disbelieve of the people who are in our lives that we are not ok, that not all is as it appears, we look fine and like who we were but were not.  And what’s worse we don’t even know who we are.  That is the quest to discover who we are but with the pain and of our losses and lack of support.  The journey is hard but with faith, hope and effort we can live a life more fulfilling than the one we had before our brain injury.  Let’s talk about that journey
10 MAR 2015 · March is brain injury awareness month, let us share our stories tonight and we can share them with everyone, will post the link of our sharing everywhere. The struggle of self-discovery is one of lots of extreme hardship and no-one understands. They don’t understand because of many reasons but one that stands out is they cannot see our invisible disability, and people have a hard time believing what they cannot see. And our struggles sound like excuses to those who can’t relate or right after one of our struggles. Let us share and help make people understand the best that they can and the best that we can as we describe the journey of discovery for a survivor and their families. Let us make brain injury awareness about those living with brain injury.
Healing through creative art and more with Cheryl Green and friends.
Author | Brain Injury Radio |
Organization | Brain Injury Radio |
Categories | Visual Arts |
Website | www.braininjuryradio.com |
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