"A sound heart gives life to the body..." Proverbs 14:30

Episodes & Posts
9 AUG 2024 · Our salvation is through Jesus! He will provide us the Grace to have powerful victories over those who desire to supplant our steadfastness in the Lord's supernatural redemptive power (gk. dunamis).
1 JUL 2024 · There is none other Name given among men whereby we must (Gk. dei) be saved from eternal ruin.
30 APR 2024 · Neither Jesus or Paul founded a new religion. The shed blood of Jesus provides justification for those who believe into Him by faith. The monumental new reality of what Jesus accomplished on the Roman gibit (cross) for believers is carefully elicudated by Paul in the Letter to the Ephesians. Please note that one must be filled with the Spirit of God to discern the unparalled truths contained in this supernatural document!
26 MAR 2024 · The salvation theology that Paul explicates in the Romans document is a comprehensive treatment of what Jesus accomplished for us on the cross (Roman Gibet) in 33 A.D. There is no other Name given under heaven whereby we must (Gk. Dei) be saved (Acts 4: 12)!"
25 MAR 2024 · The Life in Jesus is the divine nature of Theos of which constantly beliving one are partakers. The old sinful life is expunged by Grace. Nowhere in the New Testament are believers said to have both the old sin "nature" and the new life in Jesus coexisting together! However, believers may walk according to the flesh (Gk. sarx). But the term "old sin nature" is never used in a coextensive manner with our new life in Christ. The old sin nature is the old anthropology when we were dead in trespasses and sins! The new ontology in Jesus has is not infringed upon by the darkness of the past or this present evil darkness.
24 MAR 2024 · The Biblical materials are very precise and specific about the ministry of Jesus on behalf all mankind. The sufferings of Jesus were unimaginable and horrific! In His impeccable and sinless humanity He experienced the Wrath of God on our behalf. His death was substitutionary (Ps. 22). He stood up out of the grave on the third day, and He stands forevermore! He took to Himself the keys of Hades and Death!Â
12 DEC 2023 · The devil (one who divides) sought to get Jesus to set aside the will of the Father and receive power, glory, and honor outside of the will of God.Â
9 DEC 2023 · The irresistible Wrath of the Lamb upon the cosmos will bring crushing defeat upon all of His foes including the anti-Christ!
7 DEC 2023 · The Holy Spirit is holding back the complete manifestation of evil until the strategic epochal moment in God's timeline when certain events are divinely permitted to happen.
5 DEC 2023 · The Tribulation culminates the end of the so-called church age that ends in virulent apostasy. The historic form of the visible church remains, but the inward reality of the Faith is gone! Paul wrote that the end of this age will end in rampant spiritual decay. In the New Testament documents the word apostasy means to "stand off" from the person of Jesus. Lying teacher and lying prophets will lay waste to visible church in the days preceeding the Tribulation (squeezing), and the great Tribulation (the last 3.5 years of the tribulation).
"A sound heart gives life to the body..." Proverbs 14:30
Author | Josiah Rich |
Organization | Josiah Rich Ministries |
Categories | Religion & Spirituality , Christianity , Mental Health |
Website | www.spreaker.com |
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