Discover How You Can Live Full Out By Learning From Toxic Behaviors

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Episode: 2021.7.31 The Living Full Out Show with Nancy Solari encourages you to learn from toxic behaviors. Maybe you have developed a poor sleep schedule, and as a result find...
show moreThe Living Full Out Show with Nancy Solari encourages you to learn from toxic behaviors. Maybe you have developed a poor sleep schedule, and as a result find yourself exhausted during the day. Perhaps you eat a lot of unhealthy food to cope with stress in your life, and are unhappy with how this has affected your body. By being motivated to break those detrimental tendencies, you give yourself the opportunity to create an environment in which you can thrive.
Our first caller, Katie, wonders how to find a job that she’s passionate about, as she’s currently overwhelmed with job searching post-graduation. Nancy encourages Katie to see beginning jobs as lessons to provide her with more knowledge for her dream position down the line. She says to seek information from those who work in her desired field, by shadowing them or asking advice. Tune in to hear how to stay determined while moving forward in your career.
Our inspirational guest, Jewels, watched alcoholism tear her family apart and faced sexual abuse as a young girl. Pushed to move out and get her own place and provide for herself, Jewels eventually used alcohol to repress all the trauma she endured. She recognized her harmful coping mechanisms and sought treatment she needed. Finding support in others and forming genuine bonds with those in recovery, Jewels turned her life around and got sober. Listen in to discover how Jewels took steps to break her self-destructive cycle.
Nancy gave tips on how to be honest when you’re not content with your circumstances and utilize your resources to make positive changes and remove what fails to serve you. Replace the bad habits with beneficial activities that can teach you. Nancy also reminds us to be brave to stand by someone else who may be going through a tough time or self-transformation.
Perhaps you are turning to substances to forget your problems, rather than finding a resolution. Maybe you are staying in a relationship that is draining your energy and depleting your mental health, but are having difficulty letting that person go. By doing what’s best for you and prioritizing your well-being, you can truly live full out.
Author | Nancy Solari - Living Full Out |
Organization | Nancy Solari - Living Full Out |
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